It is possible to use in all kinds of both herbaceous and woody cultures, so much foliar like in irrigation.
General: 300-600 g/Ha for application. Without exceeding the dose of 2,5 Kg/Ha and cycle.
Foliar Spray: 50-100 gr/Hl.
ZUCCHINI, CUCUMBER, MELON and WATERMELON: 300 g/Ha, to apply initially of flowering (less than 10 %) and to repeat 15-20 days later;
CHERRY-TREE: 300 g/Ha to apply to the fall of petals, more or less 4 weeks before the compilation and to repeat 15 days later;
CITRUS FRUITS: 400-500 g/Ha, to apply with 100 % of flowering and a size of Nável’s fruit: 20 mm, White: 18 mm, Lemon tree: 20 mm, Clementines: 12 mm, Satsumas: 15 mm and Hybrids: 8 mm;
STRAWBERRY (varieties short cycle): 500 g/Ha, to apply 5-7 days before 1 ª crop and 14-21 days later;
STRAWBERRY (varieties long cycle): 500 g/Ha, to apply after the 1 ª crop and to intervals of 1 month from the first one;
BEANS: 600 g/Ha, to apply to the appearance of the 1 º button;
LETTUCE (Iceberg or Roman): 500 g/Ha, to apply in 4-6 real leaves and to the beginning of the closing of the lettuce, at least 14 days later;
APPLE TREE: 300 g/Ha, to apply to the beginning of the change of color and 12 days later;
PEACHTREE and other FRUIT TREES OF BONE: 300-500 g/Ha to apply in full flowering (beginning of fall of petals) and to repeat to the closing bone;
POTATO: 300 g/Ha, to apply to the beginning of tuber formation (size of a pea), you plant of 15-25 cm of height, normally 2-3 weeks after emergency and to repeat to 20-30 days later;
PEPPER: 300 g/Ha, to apply to the appearance of the 1 º button and 15 days later to apply with 280 g/Ha, to repeat in the different theater boxes to dose of 300 g/Ha;
TOMATO fresh consume: 300-500 g/Ha, to apply in the germination of the first bouquet and to repeat in the germination of 2nd bouquet. In varieties of long life, when stress exists, apply in radicular way to the dose of 500 g/Ha.
Industrial TOMATO: 300 g/ha, to apply in full flowering (50-70 %) and in the first minced meat with fruit and herbs (10-21 days after the 1 ª application);
GRAPEVINE: 300 g/Ha, to apply in full flowering (beginning of the formation of fruit) and from closing cluster up to beginning of the change of colour.
Fertilizer that improves the efficiency of the metabolism of the plants.
It improves the enraizamiento, increases the total performances(yields) and the azucar.
It increases and homogenizes the juice.
It improves the coloration of the fruit.
It advances the ripeness.
It smooths the damages caused in the periods of stress